Four more things you can do to help those who can't work from home

If you’ve got 10 more minutes, here are 4 more things you can do, right now, to help people who can’t work from home during the coronavirus pandemic.

✅ Buy a gift certificate or make a “donation order” to a local restaurant

Restaurants are already feeling the pinch as more people are staying home. Find one of the restaurants on your list and see if they sell gift certificates online. Gift certificates are a great way to give a restaurant some cash flow now, and you can use them when things are back to normal.

Or, if you prefer–or if your chosen restaurant doesn’t do gift certificates–call them up and place a “donation order.” Order what you’d usually get, pay by credit card, but explain that you’re making the order to support the restaurant, not to get the food. Ask them not to make the food, so it won’t go to waste, or to donate it to a homeless shelter if they’re able.

Also consider putting an appointment on your calendar to do this again in a week or so, so you don’t forget.

✅ Set up a recurring donation to a charity that helps people who can’t work remotely

Musicians, for example, depend on performances for a good chunk of their income. The Musicians Foundation helps musicians make ends meet in tough times. Set up a recurring donation there, or at a smiliar charity, and keep it running at least until things have settled down.

Know of another good charity? Email us at so we can spread the word.

✅ Ask your local Chamber of Commerce how you can help

Google for your local Chamber of Commerce and check out their website. Do they have a fund you can donate to that supports local businesses who are trying to ride out coronavirus? If so, make a donation. If not, email your Chamber of Commerce and ask them to set one up.

✅ Find someone on your list and get them a gift certificate for groceries

Look down your list and find someone–a friend, neighbor, or family member–who can’t work from home. Most grocery stores offer some kind of online gift card option. Find one nearby the person you’ve chosen and email them a gift card for some groceries.